
12 March 2009

these are a few of my favorite things...

the world according to charlie.

at our house, we have lots of things that make me happy.
mommy thought it would be a good idea for us to share those with the world
in the box
because maybe some of them would make them happy too.

because mommy says i have to share
i will share with you all of our favorite things.

this is one of our favorite shows. even daddy likes it. mommy makes me laugh when she sings the 'build a word' song. she dances around the living room with me and we build words like 'bell', 'rug' and 'pit'. have you seen it? you really should.

mommy eats these...i'm not big enough yet. but they look pretty good. she buys them at target. we go to target a lot...

mommy found these at (of all places) target. she liked them so much she bought me three pair. i wore them in my 9 month pictures with my yellow dress. i like to wear them with my onesies on the weekend. i'm the hippest kid in my daycare class, i won't lie.

i love the funny face books best. you can touch them and then they make noises at the end. i have seven of them, but mommy found more. they're my favorite thing to read. i can even turn the pages all by myself.

these are mommy's favorite thing to do when nanny and papa watch me sometimes. she gets them from her friend kelly. kelly gets her lots of other scrapbooking stuff too and it makes daddy roll his eyes. she's currently working on three different books, so these give her a break and let her worry about just one thing. we have three at our house, but we're getting three more just for my room. daddy is going to take pictures of real butterflies with his new camera for my room.

daddy's new hobby.

daddy bought a new camera. he loves to take pictures of me, outside...anywhere that makes him think. he's going to take pictures for our house. then he's going to take pictures of uncle dayton, uncle dalton and aunt carmen for their senior pictures. he likes to put his pictures on his blog. you should look at his blog. he takes very good pictures of me.

mommy was afraid metallica might be a bit much for me at this age. but at least this way i still get to listen to good music. they have loads...from bob marley to metallica to coldplay. they rock very much.

this is one of daddy's favorite things. he uses it with his new camera. most nights, after i go to bed, he stays up and looks for ways on how to use it. he can make all kinds of cool things with it and make our pictures look awesome.

we have lots of favorite things at our house...more than we can share here. but these are the things we use almost everyday in one way or another and we thought we would share them with you!

charlie jo.

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