
06 March 2009

from tubes to trotting.

charlie had tubes put in her ears yesterday.
we have been battling chronic ear infections for nearly four months now
and the doctor finally decided it was time to see and ENT and have tubes put in.

the year just wouldn't be complete without at least one of us undergoing some sort of surgery.
bill informed me yesterday that it is my turn again.

however, the tubes took well
she was a champ
with very few tears.

in fact, she was doing so well by mid-afternoon
and the sun was shining so bright
and it was in the high 60's
that we pulled out the wagon
and went for a trot down the trail.
i almost felt guilty, having taken a sick day for the surgery
and then watching the buses pull out of the middle school
in single file fashion.
but the guilt quickly faded as charlie jabbered to us about the ducks and the wind.

spring...just around the bend...

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