
01 September 2009

bad mom.

i came to the realization yesterday that i have done a horrible job of keeping this site updated.
so in an effort to make up lost time...

bill and charlie reviewed their animal noises.
i still think bill's reaction is far more comical
than charlie's perceived barnyard sounds.

we have been working on incorporating silverware into our mealtimes.
at first, this was quite a struggle for us
but we have discovered that
when given ice cream
she becomes a spoon savant.

we have another video to share
however i have not yet uploaded it so it will come later.

in other news...

i am back at school
an happy to have rediscovered some semblance of routine.

charlie is back at school
and also happy to have rediscovered her own version of structure.
how do i know?
we are all sleeping better at night.

bill is working at a camera store in town
and building his photography business on the side.
he is very much enjoying it.
he did his first senior picture shoot over the weekend and has already scheduled a few more appointments for this fall.

we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of charlie's cousin
and have already booked katie jo and troy for their pregnancy pictures in the spring.
i am giddy at the thought of being an aunt
and cannot wait to spoil another little person.
charlie now signs 'baby' when we talk about aunt 'kay jo'.

our summer as a trio
was perfect
and we are so thankful that we had it.
we have all gotten back to reality
but are looking forward to many more summers

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